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Environs Hotel restaurant Ain

The area around

L'Auberge Campagnarde


1h15 from Lyon and Geneva, Evosges is the ideal base to visit surrounding towns and villages such as Hauteville-Lompnes, Saint Rambert en Bugey, Oncieu, Chaley or Argis. Make the most of summer activities or winter sports on the plateau d'Hauteville, or discover the vineyards of Bugey.

Evosges Hotel restaurant Ain

The countryside

Happiness awaits in Evosges in Ain.

> Evosges
Villages Hotel restaurant Ain

Towns full of character

Discover a rich heritage.

> Villages
Le Bugey Hotel restaurant Ain

Wild landscapes

A great outdoor playground.

> Le Bugey
L'Ain Hotel restaurant Ain

All year round

A unique region with many facets.

> Ain
L'Ain Hotel restaurant Ain

> Ain
Le Bugey Hotel restaurant Ain

Le chantier médiéval de Montcornelles


> Nos montcornelles